
RE: Source was born out of the desire to develop a true working partnership focused on optimizing a client’s existing efforts. As communication platforms continue to grow, ensuring integrated strategies using the traditional agency/consultancy model is being challenged. It is a trend that is motivating more and more organizations to develop in-house teams to handle a new variety of marketing communications functions that typically fall out of a conventional agency’s scope of work. Although the content and context of where an organization’s brand story lives is within the organization itself, internal teams sometimes lose their effectiveness under the pressure of dealing with day to day priorities or experience a lack of objectivity due to being too close to their own unique set of issues.


As outsiders, our approach is to infuse internal teams with the collective intelligence of those who are experts in data, planning, creative, media, technology and production. An unbiased, customizable team with a fresh perspective that can be assembled to help you develop the strategies and tools needed to strengthen internal resources and leverage existing partnerships.

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Over the past three decades, working both in the client and agency environments within strategy and operations, I have seen the power and ... Read More

Who We Are

Who We Are

Re: Source is adaptable to your specific needs without ever being more than you need ... Read More



Our collectively experience has depth across multiple verticals bringing best practices to our strategy. Explore some brief snapshots… See More